Dragon Thursday

Good morning,

Tuesday I posted some edits of photos taken on vacation from 1976.   When a friend sent me a link for a dragon incense burner, I thought I might continue that 70’s feel with Throw Back Thursday – Dragon style.

None of the incense burners I had as a teen were nearly as cool as these.

This one can be found on many sites but for today I will be linking to Amazon. It is a backflow incense burner.  Pretty cool. The price was $29.0 with free Prime shipping at the time of this post.

Next is another backflow incense burner .  It is also from Amazon. The price was $12.98 with free Prime shipping (at time of post)

The search brought up many dragon incense burners in varying styles.  These two  are just a sampling of what’s available.




Reminiscing – snapshots from 1976

I was going through my olf photos today and stopped at a folder of snapshots that I had scanned a cople of years ago.  They were from a vacation I took with my grandparents in 1976 from Texas to Oregon.  It was a whirlwind trip with  fond memories. The snap shots had been placed in a cheap photo album and they were stuck to the pages. They had faded.  I did some mild adjustments to them when I posted about the album on Throw  back Thursday. Way Back.  I decided to try to do something with a couple in Topaz.

The first is a snapshot of one of the look outs at the Grand Canyon.  It was hazy and faded.


Edited using Topaz Studio.  Better.

Next is one of my favorites that was damaged the most from age and poor storage.  It was a bear on a bridge.  I recently found out that is was one of the bears on the Kalmath River Bridge in Kalmath, California. (Click the link to read about how the bears turned gold. Cute story)

Unedited: Sad bear.

Edited with Topaz studio – I went for more of an abstract effect.  In the other post, I left the snapshots, looking like old snapshots, just a little cleaned up.  Here I used a effect called Evening Shadow, removed the vignette and added a dual color tone called Golden Age. 

Coffee Monday

Good morning

While searching Pinterest for ideas for Coffee Monday, I found several Etsy shops that sell supplies for pour over coffee.  I did not realize this was popular (again).  There were two shops that caught my eye.  Click the links or photos to go to the individual Etsy shops.  Be sure to take a look around.  They have many wonderful items.

The first is a cool industrial looking model.  Great repurposing idea.


The photo shows one of their single cup stands.
They also make stands that hold two funnels and have other styles.  

This is the description on the shop page:  This single cup pour over set makes an exceptionally fast and fresh brew that accentuates the individual flavors of your coffee. The cone/funnel rests on a heavy duty industrial black pipe stand. The base and stand are made with a combination of black pipe and silver ring cup holder. Crafted with the best combination of design and function in mind, the coffee pour over stand connects coffee lovers to the best-in-class tools that make for memorable coffee experiences and of course a unique conversation piece for your kitchen.

Note from seller: Coffee cup/mug, funnel/cone and filters not included with purchase. The clear glass funnel pictured can be purchased for under $15.00 (Hario # 1) online. The white funnel (pictured) is a Starbucks brand funnel and costs $16.00 at the retail store.

The second one is a handmade pottery pour over cone with handle made by

Fox Rosalita

This one shows it on one of her handmade coffee mugs.

Hardy pink waterlily.

Good morning,

Photo of a waterlily in a small pond in my yard.  No editing. I have had this waterlily for about four years.  It is in a six foot long oval stock tank that is two feet deep.  It is very hardy.  I set the pot on the bottom of the tank to keep it over winter.


The photo below has been edited with Topaz Studio and Topaz Labs plug in, Simplify, using the finger painting effect.

Captured moments – Rescuing a Dog-Day Cicada

I was working outside this week and heard a buzzing sound fly past my ear and the sound of something small hitting concrete.  I looked over at the drive way ramp and saw a cicada on it’s back, not moving.  I found a small stick and offered it to the cicada.  It grabbed it with its feet and I carried it to the porch, hoping to give it some shade and a safe place to recover from whatever had caused it to crash to the ground.

It was not the usual green cicada I am used to seeing.   I googled central Texas cicada to see what I could learn.   It turns out this is a Dog-Day Cicada.    They are an annual cicada with a 2-5 year life cycle.  I have heard of longer life cycles and those apparently are periodical cicadas, and complete their life cycle in 17 years. (The article in the blue link above, from the Texas A&M Agricultural Extension states the Texas periodical cicada can complete its life cycle in 13 years)  The Dog-Day Cicada’s coloring varies widely from green, brown and dark brown/black to green with black. This one appeared to be mostly brown and black, but the green showed up more depending on the lighting and background.

Once I had taken a few photos and noticed that the cicada was starting to move around a bit, I moved it to a larger potted plant where it could continue its recovery in relative quiet and safety.  When I checked on it later, it had gone.

Dragon Thursday

I love finding fun things for Dragon Thursday.  My search this week was for Dragon art – images and it led me to a wonderful Etsy shop called


I love the colors this artist uses. I find this particular combination especially appealing.  The dragon is gorgeous.  It is on my wish list!  Be sure to click on the shop link (above) or the dragon print to go to the Etsy shop.  They have so many beautiful paintings.

Dragon art colorful magical creature in flames AlienKristiShop


You can also find Kristina Alien on Instagram and Facebook



Fun with Photo collage software

Note:  I originally shared this blog post in July 11, 2015.  We had friends over this week and they commented on a collage of our kitty(featured in this post), which sparked my interest in revisiting the collage post.  I thought I would share it again.  I checked the links and the websites are still in business.  I hope you enjoy exploring and creating your own collages.

I decided to procrastinate   play this morning with some photos.  I photographed a hummingbird at the feeder the other day and wanted to show the original and then the cropping of the photo.  I tend to use Photoshop Elements to edit but I did not like the collage maker that it has.

I went on-line and found this list of photo collage software, The 14 Best photo collage maker tools on a site called Creative Bloq.

Here is a link to the list:

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I have used Instagram’s Layout (which is only available for iphone) and Picasa with my Google account, but had not tried any other the others.  I went to the websites of the software that worked with PC.  (there are several that only work with mac or ios ) Some required registration.

I tried out Photo Collage.net 

From their home page:
Add photos without uploading
Create online photo collages
Save and Share Collages
Works on PCs, tablets and smart phone (ios and Androis)
Free form and template collages
Create Facebook, Google+ or Twitter Covers and header collages
No registration needed.
I found it easy to use and navigate. It has a FAQ swction and a video tutorial available.
It steps you through your choices above the blank canvas.  You cannot choose your template until you have added your photos which I did not like as much. It is web based so no need to download it to my computer.

It has a selection of backgrounds you can use or choose one of your own.

Checkers collage

I also tried Fotor

It has more features and a sleek look.

You can make a collage, edit a photo and design a card.

It is web based and also available for ios and Android

They have a section titled online editing made fun and simple which is helpful and informative.

At the bottom of the home page it has a menu that pulls down information as you scroll over each square.  This gives you information about their effects, textures, filters and more.  More includes: Photo editing, Photo collage, HDR, Beauty retouching, photo cards and Cover Maker – do it yourself cover photos and banners.

The only issue I had with making a collage on Fotor was when I added a photo it would not let me reduce the size of the photo to fit into the section of collage that I had chosen.  Other wise it has many fun features and is easy to use. Also – it asked me to register for free,  when I attempted to make a Facebook template.  Registration was easy and it did not ask for any personal information other than my email address.

Fotor collage Whimsey

Then I tried Photovisi

When I clicked on the Start Creating button, the page it took me too had options but I never got anything to respond when I clicked on them.

So I went back to the home page and there are examples of collages on the page.  they all run together and I scrolled until I found one similar to those I had been using on the other sites.  It never loaded.  Then I saw a small line of text stating if I was having trouble to go back to the old version of Photovisi. (I did not know I was on the new version)  So I clicked that and Voila!

Going to this other version of Photovisi took the collage format with it.  I added my four photos.  It did not allow me to adjust the size of the photos other than increasing or decreasing the photo which made it either overlap the other photos or left a background space.  Once I gathered the phtos that fit the spaces, I went to save the photo. To get the collage with out the water mark, a pop up comes up and states for $1.99 you can gt this collage with out the water mark.  The water mark appears in the lower right hand corner of the collage.  So far this is my least favorite site. not because of the water mark but the site was confusing and not easy to navigate.  This is also web based.


Next on the list is Pearl Mountain Collageit

There is a free version and an advanced version to buy.  The free version must be down loaded.  Cnet gave it 4.5 stars but I chose not to download it at this time.  I prefer the web based programs.

Next up is Ribbet

From the website:

  • Fix your photos in a single click
  • Fine-tune your results with advanced controls
  • Crop, resize, and rotate in real-time
  • Tons of special effects, from artsy to fun
  • Astoundingly fast, right in your browser
  • Awesome fonts and top-quality type tool
  • Pond-fulls of shapes from hand-picked designers
  • Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • No download, installation or sign-up required

It has a fun frog them and an appealing layout. It has editing and collage functions and I noticed across the top of the page , there are links to something called MILK (a site to create and buy photo books, cards and prints) , Zazzle (create t-shirts, mugs and much more), their Blog and Forums.

Using the Collage function, I picked a similar format and added photos.  It would not let me load multiple photos because I had not registered.  If I register it will allow me to upload up to 100 photos at a time.  No sizing of the photo except for zooming in.  I am not sure if there are more options with the premium version.  Once the collage was finished it brought up an editing page.  This was  nice and the edit applied to the entire collage.

Over all it was easy but not a site I will be using often.

Ribbet collage Sunflowers

Next is a site called BeFunky

This is a photo editing, photo effects and collage maker.  The site is easy to navigate and it asks if you want a tour when you explore a new feature.  I found a collage format like the one I have been using.  It was easy to add photos and switch between editing and he collage.  It did not allow me to decrease the photo size in the frame much like the other applications.  Easy to save to my computer too with choices of size and quality.  There are effect and other tools, some are locked unless you buy a subscription. $4.95/month or $24.95/year.  Has a similar feel to the Photoshop elements 13  that I use not but with more features. This one was fun.

BeFunky Collage toadstools

There was one other PC site called Shape Collage.  I did not try it as it must be downloaded.

Last but not least is PiZap.  I used it quiet a bit because of it’s simplicity.  I just wanted to arrange the photos to show the progression of some photos I was editing.  It was fun, not perfect and accomplished what I wanted.  I also like the choices of backgrounds they have to chose from. Then I started making several other collages because it was just that easy.  PiZap Free had all I needed for the project I wanted to do.  It has photo editing, A MEME maker and ability to make Facebook and Twitter covers or your own custom cover. Be aware that most of these have free and premium aspects which I found myself wanting to click on premium options several times although the free ones were pretty good too.  There is a 30 day free trial fo rthe premium or $3.99/month, $29.99/yesar or $69.99 for a life time subscription.

Hummingbird photo collage

Animal Collage 2

Breakfast on the Grill 3

Over all I liked PiZap for it’s simplicity, Befunky  because it feels like Photoshop Elements when I navigate but has better features and options on the creative front and Fotor , also for it’s creative features.

One more:

I found this one online after the fact.  It is a site called PicMonkey.

Its features include:

  • Photo Editor
  • Touch Up
  • Design
  • Collage
  • Photo Effects
  • Facebook Cover
  • Photo Text
  • Online Card Maker
  • Resize Image

It has a premium level called Royale.  They have a 30 day free trial.  It was simple to use.  I just used the collage maker and none of the editing software.


I hope you found this helpful.  Please let me know if you use any of these sites and your opinions.


Albert Phineas Drache