Dragon Thursday

This weeks Dragon Thursday is for all of you crafty people, knitters in particular.  My friend Christine shared this pattern with me a while back and I came across it again yesterday.  The pattern is a design by author Kim Harrison.  You may be familiar with her urban fantasy, paranormal series, The Hollows featuring Rachel Morgan – bounty hunter and witch.  It is a fun series.  The dragon is actually inspired by her character, Peri Reed, who also knits, in  The Peri Reed Chronicles .

So she created this pattern for a knitted Dragon.  Adorable, right?! Click on the photo and it will take you to her website.  You will find more information and videos she created to help you create this awesome dragon.

I also found a link on ravelry.  I really want the blue and white dragon!

If anyone makes one of these dragons, please come back and share a photo.  

Have fun!




Captured Moments – Armadillos

I never know what I may find when leaving the house in the morning.  Last week, we were rushing out the door and my son pointed to an armadillo snuffling around the yard.  Our eldest cat was lying in the drive way watching it and the armadillo seemed oblivious. They have poor eyesight and apparently, it was too busy digging for food to hear us.   I rushed back in the house to grab my camera and was sternly reminded that we were going to be late. I snapped a few photos then dashed to the car.  This was what caught the armadillos attention and it scurried back into the woods.   These unusual creatures can be destructive to lawns, but we really don’t have to worry about that.  I am surprised it can even burrow in our rocky soil.

To find out more about this adorable armored mammal click this link:

Texas Parks and Wildlife Armadillo page

The article on the website is perfect.  I remembering being fascinated by these unusual creatures as a child and still delight in seeing them.

Dragon Thursday

Good morning!

This week my good friend Sally shared a dragon website with me.  It is called Rocky Mountain Dragons, LLC.  They make Shoulder packs, plushies, handmade dragons that you can bend and pose and T-shirts.  Click on the photos or blue links to go to the Rocky Mountain Dragons website. 

My favorite handmade dragon is this Dark Purple Tones Feather Fur Poseable Long Horn Eastern Dragon.

Rocky Mountain LLC Handmade dragon

They also have these cool Western Dragon Shoulder packs.

Rocky Mountain Dragon Shoulder pack Western with owner

This is the Asian Dragon shoulder pack.  I usually go for Western Dragons but, I think I might have to reconsider, this one is so cute!

Rocky Mountain Shoulder dragon Asian

Then there is the Cape Dragon, so cool!

Rocky Mountain Kickstarter_FB_image_share_1200x628_ks_cape_copy_copy_2048x2048

The artists has a wonderful video on the Shoulder pack pages that shows how they fit and mentions some recent modifications they have made to their dragons.  Be sure to take a look.

They also have a Con schedule where you can find them and see their products in person.

The link is here:  Rocky Mountain Dragons LLC Con schedule

The dragons are wonderful and the prices are good.  Order from the website or stop and visit them at one of the conventions.  🙂

Thank you Sally!